Folding front door
Folding front door
Folding front door LUX B6. All models are produced with plastic filling – pattern flowing-down water with the thickness 2,2 mm or a 4 mm thick tempered glass grape, which is framed by white colour aluminium profiles. The above-mentioned series is characterized by opening and folding by means of hinges placed in vertical profiles. The doors are installed as close to the inner edge of the bath, shower tray or wall as possible, because they do not have any bottom guiding profile and the tightness is ensured only thanks to rubber sealing on the bottom edge of the doors. Standard height 185 cm, levelling side profile with up to 2,5 cm expansion and magnetic closing. Simple installation and easy maintenance.Attention! When choosing a shower enclosure, the installation dimensions are very important, a so-called expansion of profiles, which can be found in the table. Expansion determines minimal and maximal dimension of the shower enclosure.
Sprchové kúty Aquatek sú dodávané bez sprchovej vaničky a sú montovateľné priamo na podlahu bez vaničky. Ak chcete kút používať so sprchovou vaničkou, je potrebné vaničku dokúpiť zvlášť. Vhodné vaničky a ďalšie doplnky nájdete pod záložkou súvisiace produkty.